Co-operative Multi-Academy Trust

Our schools share a common set of values and principles for the benefit of all stakeholders from students through to staff, parents, governors and the local community.

In the changing education landscape, we are pioneering a bold and exciting evolution of the Multi-Academy Trust model that offers an alternative way of educating the next generation.

Built on the values and ethics of the Co-operative movement and supported by the well-established co-operative business model, our sole objective is to prepare and equip each young person for the next stage of life, allowing them to realise their full potential within a network of well supported schools.

We are committed to a robust, effective, but, above all, user-friendly new structure dedicated to setting schools free to do what they do best – teach. In the Co-operative Education model each academy is an accountable-autonomous organisation led by its local stakeholders including parents, staff and governors within the framework formed by the Academy Trust.

Main Pay Range

Point 1 (min)£31,650
Point 2£33,483
Point 3£35,674
Point 4£38,034
Point 5£40,439
Point 6 (max)£43,607

Unqualified Teacher Pay Range

Point 1 (min)£21,731
Point 2£24,224
Point 3£26,716
Point 4£28,914
Point 5£31,410
Point 6 (max)£33,902

Upper Pay Range

Point 1 (min)£45,646
Point 2£47,338
Point 3 (max)£49,084

Allowances Data

TLR 1 Min£9,782
TLR 1 Max£16,553
TLR 2 Min£3,391
TLR 2 Max£8,279
TLR 3 Min£675
TLR 3 Max£3,344
SEN Min£2,679
SEN Max£5,285