Teacher Pay Check
Find out today what school employers pay teachers in Norfolk
“We are looking at students and telling them your learning matters, your education matters, but the people we entrust to give that to you, we’re not going to value.”
Teacher pay matters, Not just for us but for the pupils too – who may be our colleagues one day. Under valuing and under-paying teachers harms everyone

Pay Scales
All data is collected from the employers - the pay policies they have to share
We know how important Pay and Conditions are to our members
Take Action
Are you been paid less for the same job in a school down the road? Is it time to make a change?
Finding your next teaching salary just became easy
Total school spending per pupil in England has fallen by 8% in real terms between 2009-10 and 2019-20. The bulk of these funding cuts were driven by a 57% reduction in spending per pupil on services provided by local authorities and a more than 20% cut in sixth-form funding per pupil. This follows on from average growth in primary and secondary school spending per pupil of around 5% per year during the 2000s.
We know schools are being underfunded. The NEU have been at the forefront in informing members and the public on the impact on cutting money to schools
As a Union, we want money being spent appropriately to support teachers to secure the best outcomes for all pupils. This involves valuing teachers by recruiting and retaining the best staff
Use ‘Get Started’ to find out what Norfolk school employers are paying. Find out who are the best at rewarding teachers… and who are the worst