West Norfolk Academy Trust

The West Norfolk Academies Trust aims to challenge and support a small group of schools to provide an excellent education for the young people of West Norfolk.

The Trust works in a supportive partnership with Primary and Secondary schools with each school maintaining their unique identity and ethos.
The schools work together to ensure maximum benefit for all students through economies of scale and shared resources.

Here is the link to our vacancies 


Main Pay Range

Point 1 (min)£31,650
Point 2£33,483
Point 3£35,674
Point 4£38,034
Point 5£40,439
Point 6 (max)£43,607

Unqualified Teacher Pay Range

Point 1 (min)£21,731
Point 2£24,224
Point 3£26,716
Point 4£28,914
Point 5£31,410
Point 6 (max)£33,902

Upper Pay Range

Point 1 (min)£45,646
Point 2£47,338
Point 3 (max)£49,084

Allowances Data

TLR 1 Min£9,782
TLR 1 Max£16,553
TLR 2 Min£3,391
TLR 2 Max£8,279
TLR 3 Min£675
TLR 3 Max£3,344
SEN Min£2,679
SEN Max£5,285