St John the Baptist Catholic Multi Academy Trust

Schools within the MAT may publish some job adverts for senior positions here, but please see the relevant school websites for all vacancies.

For current school vacancies please see the individual school website.

Please see the linked documents below for required monitoring forms, information for applicants and a senior leadership application form.​

St John the Baptist Catholic Multi Academy Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Main Pay Range

Point 1 (min)£31,650
Point 2£33,483
Point 3£35,674
Point 4£38,034
Point 5£40,439
Point 6 (max)£43,607

Unqualified Teacher Pay Range

Point 1 (min)£21,731
Point 2£24,224
Point 3£26,716
Point 4£28,914
Point 5£31,410
Point 6 (max)£33,902

Upper Pay Range

Point 1 (min)£45,646
Point 2£47,338
Point 3 (max)£49,084

Allowances Data

TLR 1 Min£9,782
TLR 1 Max£16,553
TLR 2 Min£3,391
TLR 2 Max£8,279
TLR 3 Min£675
TLR 3 Max£3,344
SEN Min£2,679
SEN Max£5,285